BUON GIORNO TUTTI! CONTEC SYSTEMS and TECANALYSISs in Milan and Met One Instruments, Inc. work together to combine technologies in monitoring belle arti in Italy. This is one of our goals at MOI....to help preserve the world's art treasures. We've participated in monitoring the Mongolian caves, the Sphinx, the Sistine Chapel and Campidoglio. Also, critical studies include the frescoes by Giotto and the L'ultima Cena Following is an article about one of CONTEC SYSTEMS studies using a MOI laser particulate profiler OEM 'engine'. Indoor air quality in historical buildings and museums is receiving increasing concern nowadays among the scientific community. Many sources of pollutants, both gases and particles, are responsible for the accelerated decay of the works of art. Knowing the levels of indoor pollutants is of critical importance to apply conservation and preservation strategies of cultural heritage [1, 2]. Air quality at the Ambrosiana Art Gallery in Milan ha...