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Wind Sector Control for Air Sampling, Air Quality Monitoring

Customer Questions and Solutions:

"Dear Met One Instruments, Inc.
I have a client with a strange request: they would like to start and stop sampling with an E-Sampler, E BAM, or BAM 1020 according to one programmable wind direction, or within a certain angle.  For instance within 25 and 75 degrees, and with wind velocity above a programmable speed only.

I'm sure it is not possible with the standard software, but before saying to the client that it is not possible I would like to ask your opinion.
This client would like to find a way to identify and quantify the source of pollution, for instance to sample only when the sampler is downwind to a coal plant, cement mill, chemical plant, refinery, etc… to avoid dilution of the sample."

AutoMet 466A provides “sector control” for air samplers, as well as various sensor alarm functions.  The AutoMet 466A has two alarm relays that can be used to directly control an air sampler device.   The two alarm relays can be connected in either a logical AND or a logical OR circuit to control the air sampler.  One relay can be alarming on a user selected multiple degree wide sector of wind direction based on a user selected wind direction reference point in degrees.   The other relay can be connected to a second defined wind direction sector, or to the wind speed sensor.  If used with wind speed, the wind speed range alarm value can be also be user selected.   These alarm values also have user settable hysteresis to prevent multiple alarms near the edge of the sector or near the wind speed set point. 
Any MOI wind sensor set can be used with the AutoMet 466A for sector control.  A single wind direction or wind speed sensor can be used if only one alarm function is required.  If using a wind speed sensor only, the dual alarms in the AutoMet 466A can be used as a wind speed alarm for high wind speed alarm and high high wind speed alarm.   This alarm function can also be used with any other sensors connected to the AutoMet 466A, such as temperature alarms, humidity alarms, or solar radiation level alarms.
When high current or line voltage level control or alarm function is required, MOI can provide an external solid state interposer relay capable of 250 VAC at 40 amps, as an accessory to the AutoMet 466A.   

- Dennis Recla, Sr. Systems Engineer.  Met One Instruments, Inc.
