Met One Instruments, Inc. is a proud sponsor of the Kansas State University Human Powered Vehicle Design team. Each year engineering students from K-State design, build, test, and race a human powered vehicle in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Human Powered Vehicle Challenge (HPVC). In the spring of 2014, the team will compete against more than 35 other colleges and universities. Teams will be judged judged in four areas: 1) design report, 2) speed, 3) endurance, and 4) innovation. Part of the design criteria for the project is to evaluate the aerodynamic performance of the HPV. The purpose of the aerodynamic performance study is to determine the most aerodynamic geometric configuration of the bicycle and rider. The study requires a measurement of rider input power, relative wind speed, wind direction, ground speed, incline relative to gravity, air temperature, barometric pressure, and relative humidity (air density). To meas...