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Met One’s Smart Monitor Clears the Air

Posted by on Jul 28, 2015 8:00:00 AM Trystan L. Bass  
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Met One’s Smart Monitor Clears the Air“Monitoring is the Rodney Dangerfield of air regulation: It just can't get no respect," says Dick Valentinetti, who has chaired the monitoring subcommittee for the National Association of Clean Air Agencies and spent 43 years in environmental regulation, mostly with the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. But without consistent, reliable air monitoring, the clear blue skies we love and clean air we need to breathe could become a mess. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has begun to recognize that new technologies – specifically devices optimized for Internet of Things and machine-to-machine communications – can make air monitoring effective and affordable throughout communities.
One example of an IoT air pollution monitor is the Neighborhood Monitor from Met One Instruments, Inc. This air monitor has a small laser light-scattering engine to measure pollution levels in the air. It then sends the data to a server via the Neo cellular network, and the device automatically displays the readings in real time on the monitor’s website.
Met One’s Neighborhood Monitor showed so much promise that the Environmental Protection Agency ordered multiple units and is considering deploying a large, dense network of these low-cost air quality monitors in communities around the United States.
Learn more about Met One, powered by Neo, in this case study.
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