Only tested and qualified MOI filter tape can be used on our products. The name of this company is being used to dupe you into thinking it is Millipore as well as the claim to have equivalent filter tape. The USEPA designation requires filter tape provided by MOI. Use of non qualified filter tape will make your monitor no longer USEPA equivalent. Please contact if you have any questions.
From: Mr. Arush Swaroop . <swaroop.arush@miniporefilters .com>
Date: Sat, Apr 29, 2017 at 9:58 PM
Subject: Introducing Glass Fiber Filter Tape Rolls equivalent to Metone 460130
Minipore Micro Products
From: Mr. Arush Swaroop . <swaroop.arush@miniporefilters
Date: Sat, Apr 29, 2017 at 9:58 PM
Subject: Introducing Glass Fiber Filter Tape Rolls equivalent to Metone 460130
Dear Sir,
As you are aware, Minipore Micro Products is one of the leading manufacturer of Filter papers. We are already manufacturing PM10, PM2.5 & Stack Monitoring filters for many years, we are also manufacturing Membrane filters for various applications.
Recently we have started manufacturing Glass Fiber Filter tape Roll for Continuous Ambient Monitoring used in BAM machines and other CAAQMS . We have them in 2 grades which are equivalent to grades 460130 and 460180. As we are a manufacturer we can provide in any size you want. The quality of the product is very high and prices are very economical. We can provide free samples for your evaluation.
The price may vary depending on the quantity. For giving you an idea:
For 40mm Internal Core Dia, Width- 30mm , Length- 2
mtrs, MicroGlass Fiber rolls for Continuous Ambient Air Monitoring equivalent to 460130: (EXW)- Quantity- 100 pieces, Price= USD 33 / Roll
- Quantity- 500 pieces, Price= USD 31 / Roll
- Quantity- 1000 pieces, Price= USD 25 / Roll
- Quantity- 5000 pieces, Price= USD 20 / Roll
- Quantity- 10000 pieces, Price= USD 18 / Roll
Other sizes also available, contact for details.
Our customers include other Metone dealers all around the world who are very much satisfied with our quality and prices. They are buying from us regularly since many years.
I have also attached our Product Catalog for the full range of products manufactured by us.
If in case you have any query please feel free to contact me.
Looking forward to your feedback.
Thanks & Regards,
Arush Swaroop
Mobile- +91-9999574999
Skype- arush.swaroop
Reg. Office: Delhi Gate, Outside G.T. Road, Ghaziabad-201002 (INDIA)
Factory: A-7/24, Electro Steel Compound, South Side of GT Road, Industrial Area, Ghaziabad-201001 (INDIA)
Tele: +91-120-4155628, 6517033
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